Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blue Springs State Park (BSSP)

New Year's Eve afternoon, Kirk picked me up from work and we drove to Blue Springs State Park near Orange City, Florida. We had had some unseasonably cold weather the previous days (even though this day was in the 70's and beautiful) and it was reported that the manatee's were abundant in Blue Springs State Park. So, we had to go and see them before we left Florida. Blue Springs State Park is a refuge for the manatee's. The water there is a constant 72 degrees. When it is very cold the manatee's head for the warmer water. If the manatee's are in water below 60 degree's they can die. They can't tolerate the cold. This park is home to the West Indian Manatee. It's said that they can live to be 60 years old. We saw a mother and her cub. They are beautiful animals especially the more you get to know about them. They are relatives of the elephant, which I found interesting. We were also able to see an alligator getting some sun on a log. We were told when we came to Florida that alligator's were everywhere, but we hadn't seen one till going to BSSP. Okay, so now we've had our gator fix. We also saw an Anhinga sitting on a log in the water drying it's wings. We were told (actually overheard someone talking) that they sit in the water, but when their wings get wet, they can't fly, so they sit on the log and spread their wings until they dry. Then they start all over again. This is a beautiful park.

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